The original AMVAC logo, created in 1969 helped to guide AMVAC through its formative years to the publicly traded agrochemical company it is today. But in business as in most things, “ what got us here, rarely gets us there.” With this brand refresh, we drew our inspiration from the original AMVAC logo harnessing that same entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity to position AMVAC for the next 50 years. The overall shape is dynamic and minimal sophisticated and recognizable. The icon is an evolution of the AMVAC beaker icon but adds a leaf blade to signify AMVAC’s commitment to pioneering chemical solutions. The type is set in capital letters to reinforce AMVAC’s status as a leader in the industry.

Founded in 1969 AMVAC has become a trusted name for proven solutions in the agriculture industry. AMVAC wanted to breathe new life into the brand as they celebrated 50 years of trusted partnerships. I worked with my writing partner and a small design team to draw on the original AMVAC logo for inspiration. To harness that same entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity that made AMVAC a trusted agriculture partner and position AMVAC for the next 50 years. The overall brand refresh is nuanced and sophisticated and means business – agriculuture business.
Client: Swanson Russell // AMVAC Chemical